Parent & child fields

The API builder refers to "parent" and "child fields" to describe hierarchical data structures within the platform, specifically in the context of list fields and group fields.

These terms refer to the relationships and organization of data within these field types:

Parent field

A parent field is a field that contains or encompasses other data fields. It serves as a container for organizing and structuring related data fields within it. Parent fields help create a structured hierarchy for organizing and managing data. ➡️ Example: If you have a list field that contains a list of image fields, the list field is considered the parent field. It acts as a container for the child image fields, allowing you to organize and manage multiple image entries within a single list.

Child field

Conversely, a child field is a data field that is contained within a parent field. Child fields are the specific data elements or subfields that are organized and stored within a parent field. Using the same example, if you have a list field containing a list of image fields, each individual image field within the list is considered a child field. These child image fields represent the actual image data or entries stored within the list. Additionally, the concept of parent and child fields can also extend to group fields. A group field acts as a parent field that contains and organizes other data fields within it, which are considered child fields. For instance, a group field may contain child fields like image fields, date fields, or any other relevant data fields, allowing you to organize related data elements within a group.

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